Worcester Church of Pentecost International

A blog dedicated to the program and activities of the Church of Pentecost International in Worcester, Massachusetts in the U.S.

Location: Worcester, Massachusetts, United States

Executive Director and founder of National Africa Foundation, a non-governmental organization that seeks to support African immigrants in the U.S. and Canada, and to promote e-learning initiatives in Africa and other parts of the world.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Today was a remarkable day at PIWC. After a powerful word ministration by Elder Deogratias Kwabena Adade on the Penetecostal type of giving, Elder John Jerry Anim Koranteng descended from the platform and led the congregation on another pentecostal injunction, "The Lord's Supper". The Presiding Elder, Elder Samuel Gyimah, who had been recuperating at home for several weeks after a "medical vacation" showed up in church for the first time. His reason? He could not continue to stay at home for an annual fundraising of his assembly to take place without him! W-O-W! True to his word, he led the church in another pentecostal type of fundraising. He took the lead to give a very handsome offering and invited the other members of the congregation, every Tom, Dick and Harry - the old and the young, students and non-students, workers and the unemployed and everyone in the congregation to also give to the Lord. In a matter of about thirty minutes, the offering was over and the entire service was done. The pictures below are some of the scenes captured during this three-in-one service. PRAISE THE LORD!

The Young Men
And this 7-Year Old Birthday Boy

The Elders
And the final prayer by Sister Florence Boame

and in the end!

The Ladies

The Kids

The Students
The Men
Our musical guys were just amazing!

The Presiding Elder, Elder Samuel Gyimah launches the fundraising!

Elder Kwabena Adade, the speaker for the occasion drives home a point!
Elder J.J. Anim Koranteng prays over the Lord's Supper

Elder John J. Anim Koranteng administers the Lord's Supper

Thank you all for your prayers, Elder Samuel Gyimah tells the congregation after his return in church
The Presiding Elder introduces the man of God , Elder Kwabena Adade
Elder Deogratias Kwabena Adade shares a powerful message with the congregation
One of the few times to see the Williams singing together! Praise God!!

Brother Ben A. Badu, the Church Secretary

Elder Samuel and Mrs. Gyimah thanking God for a successful surgery and for the prayer support of the congregation